Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Demography of Jordan


Fertility rates declined from 5.6 live births per woman of reproductive age (15-49 years) in 1990 to 28 per thousand in 2009 and the use of family planning methods increased from 40.2 per cent in 1990 to 59.3 per cent in 2009.

Collectively, these developments have led to a decline in the average family size from 6.9 persons in 1994 to 5.4 members in 2004 and to 5.1 members in 2009. Moreover, migration rates fell from 0.5 per cent in the 1980s to about 0.1 per cent in 2009.

As I have suggested previously in connection with the demographics of Arabs west of the Jordan River - better medical attention, increased family planning, more education and the natural decline of any population is what occurs.


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